StemRocks Website


Web Development, HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, UI Design

Worked on an agile team tasked with the design and development of various pages on Responsibilities included working on front end development for various new responsive web pages and updating and maintaining code for other web pages using a combination of front end frameworks and html/css. I also built upon existing backend code (php, javascript) in order to create and maintain website forms filled out regularly by visitors and interns. Lastly, I designed new standard user interface components and redesigned old webpages to create a clear and cohesive experience for end users.

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StemFest App

StemFest App

Mobile Application, React, UI/UX

Worked in an agile team environment to develop a mobile application for a STEM event using React. Developed several tile layout screens for better navigation, and edited other screens for better layouts. Other responsibilities included producing UI/UX designs to help other developers reimagine old page designs.

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Spotify Logo

Music Prediction using Logistic Regression

Machine Learning, Python, Spotify API

Collected data on 600 of my liked and disliked songs in my personal playlists using Spotify's API. Used logistic regression on this data to develop an algorithm to predict whether or not I would like a particular song. Created various data visualizations to learn more about what characteristics of a song appeal most to me.

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Girls Day Out Website

Girl's Day Out Website

Web Development, HTML, CSS

Starting from a template, developed pages on a website for an event promoting various STEM fields to girls.